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The cost of providing 24/7 call center support can be very steep especially if a business is just starting out. And those that are cheap usually offer sub-par services. Talkdesk is changing all that.
Talkdesk is an application that offers a cost-efficient solution to hiring call centers. Powered by Twilio's cloud communications technology, it essentially turns your browser into a call center, allowing you to make and receive calls, and have them recorded and transcribed. By teaming up with other services like Salesforce.com and ZenDesk.com, you easily get to identify who your caller is, what purchases he already made and other pertinent history with your company. Talkdesk allows you to have a full view of your customer from the convenience of your web browser. You don't even have to ask questions, not even his name, because all that will be retrieved for you the moment he calls up.
Let's face it. People always prefer talking to somebody on the phone more than through chat or e-mail, given that describing a technical problem through chat or e-mail can be very irksome at most. With Talkdesk, you can now provide the service your customers deserve for just a fraction of the actual cost, plus do away with the typical setbacks linked to outsourcing.
[Via - Webiot.com]
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