Believe it or not, handheld devices like smartphones and tablets are outpacing laptop and desktop sales. And people nowadays spend a lot of time on their cell phones. Handheld, lightweight and convenient as it is, it is easier to accomplish tasks on a handset than on a computer.
Now, what if you have an app that checks the power your microwave at home uses from the convenience of your cell phone?
EnergySaver, a mobile app currently pegged at $2.99, is a device that allows you to track your water and energy usage. It also allows you to analyze and adjust your consumption where applicable, potentially saving you loads of cash when your next utility bill comes in the mail.
The device is fairly easy to use. Based on the state you’re in, select the going utility rates for gas, water and electricity. Include your appliances, everything from your dishwasher to your hair dryer to your water heater, and the length of time you use them. The app then goes through an analysis phase, which results into an analyzed chart – pie, list or bar – that tells you which appliances are eating up all your energy. From there, you can make adjustments as you see fit.
[Via - MadConomist.Com]
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