HEY!!! Welcome to Funhouse Tattoo Canada... To start, let me say that we have no association with any other Funhouse Tattoo studios anywhere in the world, any similarity is purely coincidental. Our name came from the BEST Stooges album ever!!! When the idea to open the shop was in process, there were several names I was thinking of and since I was listening to this album alot during those days, in 1998, it was the logical choice. I followed the name with the word "tattooing" as in the constant act of tattooing.. not "tattoos". "Tattoos" sounds like a limited catalog of small images. Tiny and final... not like an unlimited act of constant and infinite ideas.
Below is what we look like now, we have had a few locations over the years. Some of you may remember the East Broadway days, or the Upstairs Funhouse at Laurel and Broadway, before some shower shark waiting for me to drop the bar of soap, moved into that location... We are currently located at 3001 Cambie St. in Vancouver BC Canada, at the corner of 14th, 2 blocks from the city hall. This is our fish bowl.. all glass, natural light... pink and black checkered floor, T.V.'s to watch movies all day, unreal story tellers, a safe and casual fun atmosphere... good restaurants and coffee shops all around us in case you come early to your appointment.

We have set up this blog to update you with events & appearances, tell stories, voice opinions, and more. Everyone at the shop is F*CKING great. Great artists and great people. No egos & no attitudes. We all have a strong respect for the art and our clients. We do our best to tattoo everyone with exactly what they want to get tattooed. We will never compromise the quality of the work you want and push some lame idea on you because of any inadequacies (which is typical in our industry) we may have. We are all confident, world famous, veteran tattoo artists capable of tattooing any style any size. We do work that most people in this city would turn away, BECAUSE WE CAN.
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